Identity Driven Transformational Leadership

Have you ever wondered what a caterpillar thinks? One day he goes into a coma and emerges as a beautiful butterfly. He is now expressing his true identity that had been covered as a caterpillar. Yet a shadow of what he was still remains, in what the Bible calls the “flesh”, old habitual patterns of thought or psychological scripts that need to be transformed in Christ. We all struggle with the pull of the flesh which tempts us to rely on old thought patterns. Patterns we have been set free from in Christ. This marks the core challenge of leadership, to serve and influence others as opposed to a reliance on self to control others. (see Luke 22:23-30)

The leader’s personal spiritual identity transformation is the foundation of Identity Driven Transformational Leadership. The realm of leadership begins in the theater of the mind or in the theater of your thoughts. Paul writing to the Roman Church reminds them that they need not be conformed to this age (traditional command and control styles of leading others), but to be transformed by the renewing of the mind. (see Romans 12:1-2)

Clark Kent illustrates the dilemma of leading from the center of who you are in Christ. Clark Kent had an earthly identity as a reporter for the Daily Planet, however his true identity was Superman. The church at Corinth was experiencing a similar dilemma. He reminded them that they have borne the image of the man of dust and they also bear the image of the heavenly man. (see I Corinthians 15: 47-49) The church a Corinth was experiencing an identity crisis and was in need of an identity transformation.

Clark Kent had an earthly identity and also had a heavenly identity. This is the same for you. You have an earthly identity as well as a heavenly identity or who you really are in Christ. This identity change you experience is a process empowered by the Holy Spirit. It is the condition or process of being the same or exactly like Christ, or the condition or process of being the same as another person, that person being Christ.

In Christ, you are more than a conqueror (Romans 8:37). You are created in His image (Genesis 1:27), and you are intimately known by God (Galatians 4:9). You accepted in Christ (Ephesians 1:6), complete in Christ (Colossians 2:10), and in Christ you are royalty (Revelation 5:10) You are free from condemnation (Romans 8:1-2), and you are seated with Christ in the heavens. (Ephesians 2:6) This is who you are in Christ.

“In Christ”, is a phrase used more than 180 times in the New Testament, mainly in the writings of Paul. The phrase forms the heart of Paul’s theology and becomes the heart of Christianity. The phrase carries with it the grammatical dimensions of fixed location, sphere and possession. In other words, you have been rescued from the domain of darkness and transferred into the Kingdom of Christ. (Colossians 1:13) And according to Paul, you have been baptized into Christ and your identity has been permanently transformed or changed in Christ. (Romans 6:3-4) This is the cornerstone of being transformed into the image of Jesus. In reference to leadership, this is the position from which all attempts you take to influence others will find strength.

In my research, I discovered three levels of leadership influence, (1) identity – values, experience, self-perceptions and identity in Christ, (2) transformational – moving people forward to reach their God given potential, and (3) transactional – mere exchange. Identity driven transformational leadership is based on seven principles from the Word of God and seven principles from leadership research. The frequency of occurrence of these qualities will determine the level of productivity and satisfaction within a work group or organization. According to research the higher the frequency of these behaviors in an organization, the higher the level of productivity.

Leading from your identity in Christ proved statistically significant in several categories of leadership influence– accountability, perspective, motivation, synergy, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, contingent reward, and laissez-faire. Even the science of statistics filtered out the importance of identity in leadership effectiveness. However, identity in Christ was not statistically significant in the following areas – vision, idealized influence, individualized consideration and management-by-exception. Power and humility were not statistically measured. Each of these leadership qualities will be discussed and explained

I. Seven Identity Driven Leadership Disciplines:



II. Seven Transformational Leadership Qualities:

A. Four Transformational Leadership Qualities:

Idealized Influence-Worldview

Individualized Consideration-Authenticity
Inspirational Motivation-Passion
Intellectual Stimulation-Innovation

B. Three Transactional Leadership Qualities

Contingent Reward-Praise
Management-by-Exception Trust


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Narrative Summary - Identity Driven Transformational Leadership

Identity in Christ and Leadership Effectiveness Doctoral Dissertation

Survey Research

Bibliographic Research

Measure Your Leadership

What is Transformational Leadership



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