(6) Humility – Philippians 2:5-11
(Pearson chi-square - .0001)
To resolve conflict, the quality of humility is essential. It is the quality of
looking out for the self-interests of others as well as our own to create
oneness of mind and purpose. A conflict or lack of oneness between two woman,
Euodias and Syntyche, was deadening the effectiveness of the Church at Philippi.
(Philippians 4:2) Paul highlights the humility of Jesus to inspire the
resolution of this conflict.
Only with a secure understanding of your identity in Christ, is the leader able
to cultivate this quality of humility. Jesus knew who He was in God and was able
to empty Himself of the desire to maintain His position as God. Instead, He
humbled Himself and assumed the form of a slave, taking on the likeness of men.
Paul exhorts the Church to make their attitude that of Christ Jesus, thus
resolving the conflict over control. The leader needs to empty himself of all
need for control, power and position, and allow God to work through him based on
his identity in Christ.
Identity in Christ in relation to humility did show a strong statistical
relationship. Humility will flow from the leader’s identity in Christ as the
leader learns to empty himself of desires for control and exchanges control for
influence and service to create a healthy atmosphere of productivity.