(2) Power – 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 & 2 Corinthians 3:4-6 (Pearson chi-square - .0004)

The Church at Corinth was highly fractured and self-centered. So Paul emphasizes God’s power and the source of the believer’s competence to bring the church back into a focus on unity in Christ. Power is the capacity to translate intention into reality and sustain it. Leadership is the wise use of this power. There is position power, personal power and persuasive power, but Paul is describing supernatural power that flows from God through the believer.

Paul comes to the church in deep humility, weakness and much trembling. He was determined to know nothing among the believers except Jesus Christ and Him crucified, again highlighting his true identity in Christ. This was done so that the church’s faith would not rest in man but in the power of God.

Paul goes on to affirm that his competence flows from the supernatural power of God working in him, nothing comes from himself. Paul places no confidence in himself. (Philippians 3:3) But his confidence is from God who makes the believer a minister of spiritual transformation and freedom in Christ. Again, Paul is living out his true identity in Christ as he leads the Corinthian church to higher levels of spirituality and organizational productivity.

Identity in Christ in relation to the practice of accountability did show a strong statistical relationship. The experience of God’s power will flow from the leader’s identity in Christ as the leader depends totally on God to work through the leader to influence followers to become all they are in Christ.



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