(2) Management-by-Exception (active & passive) –
Trust (Pearson chi-square .511)
Management by exception (MBE) refers to leadership action that takes the form of
corrective criticism, negative feedback and negative reinforcement. Compared to
contingent reward, this approach uses more negative then positive interactions.
Active MBE, the leader watches, follows closely for mistakes or rule violations
and then takes corrective action. Passive MBE the leader intervenes only after
standards are not met or problems have arisen. This style centers on the issue
of trust. The risk for the follower under this type of leadership is that
constant correction erodes their confidence.
Identity in Christ in relation to management by exception did not show a strong
statistical relationship. The leader acting from their identity in Christ will
not frequently approach followers using this constant negative method of
obtaining compliance or achieving goals.
Contingent Reward-Praise
Management-by-Exception Trust